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What would you keep in yours?

Ian Bird
  • Ian Bird
  • 22nd June 2020
  • Renting Storage Space Self Store Storage for Business

My name is Ian, and I am the Mission Controller for the Bristol South Space Program

We have been hiring our self-storage containers for over 18 years now – I have been with the company for about 2 months.

I now know that a good majority of our customers are either tradesmen looking for secure storage of their stock and tools or house movers looking to store their belongings whilst waiting for their move to go through.

So I asked my more experienced colleagues for the more unusual hires that have used our storage facilities. Here is the top 10 in no particular order!!

  • A hovercraft
  • Pushchair restoration business
  • A pottery kiln
  • Metal sculpture artwork for the local council
  • Theatre props
  • A kit car that was made from scratch
  • Scented candles
  • Jet skis
  • Mobile coffee business
  • Rabbits & donkeys (fibreglass!!)

An interesting array I am sure you will agree!!

We are here to help so if you have a storage need that would make the top 10 please get in touch.

We can advise as to the best way to store it (or not) as the case may be.

And by the way, there is another list of top 10 of storage requests that have been refused. But that’s another story….