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What isn’t allowed in a self-storage container?

Sharon MacLean
  • Sharon MacLean
  • 2nd July 2018
  • Self Store

You can keep most things in a self-storage container, but there are some items that are not allowed.

The full list will vary from supplier to supplier. But as a rule of thumb you will not be able to store any of the following in your container:

● Food or anything else perishable unless it’s securely packed so it can’t attract vermin

● Domestic animals, fish, birds and all other living creatures

● Anything combustible or flammable, such as gas canisters and compressed gas, tins of solvent-based paint, cans of petrol or oil, and cleaning solvents

● Vehicles with petrol in the tanks

● Any type of firearm, ammunition, and explosives

● Radioactive material, biological agents, and certain chemicals

● Any kind of toxic waste, asbestos in any form, and any other potentially hazardous materials

● Anything that emits fumes, a smell or odour.

This list isn’t exhaustive and if you’re not sure about something, you must ask for on-site guidance.