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January’s Customer of the Month

  • 5th February 2024
  • Renting Storage Space

We’re kicking off 2024 with great excitement as we spotlight our January “Customer of the Month” – the amazing team from The Salvation Army! They’ve been lighting up our world at Cardiff Bay Space Program for two incredible months.

Known for their charitable work, The Salvation Army chose us for their storage needs and to be a base of operations. Their engagement with our facilities has been seamless and completely hassle-free.

Interacting with The Salvation Army team has been consistently positive. They quickly became more than just clients; they’re a valued part of our community. Always polite and friendly, they often drop by for a chat and a coffee after their shifts, making our day brighter.

Their approachability and professionalism make every interaction effortless. They have blended seamlessly into our operations, highlighting how easy and efficient it is to work with us. For those interested in learning more about The Salvation Army and their impactful work, please visit their website at

We aim to meet your storage needs with the utmost convenience and security. With 24/7 access and the ability to drive right up to your unit, we strive to make your storage experience as smooth as possible. Whether you’re looking for storage solutions or need a base for your operations, we’re here for you. We encourage you to reach out to us to find out more about our services.

A big congratulations to The Salvation Army – your commitment to helping others is truly inspiring. We feel privileged to support your mission and look forward to our continued partnership.