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Is there anything I’m not allowed to do in my container?

Ben Hollier
  • Ben Hollier
  • 9th July 2018
  • Renting Storage Space Self Store Storage Containers

Yes, while you can use your container for a wide range of storage options and activities, some things are prohibited.

This will vary between self-storage suppliers, but none will allow you to use your container for any of the following…

● To do anything that might cause a nuisance to your supplier and their staff, other self-storage users and visitors

● As an office or somewhere to live

● As a home or business address, or for receiving mail

● Spray painting

● Mechanical or heat work of any kind

● Any activity that allows a liquid, substance, smell or odour to escape

● Any activity involving audible noise or vibration that can be felt

You’ll also not be allowed to attach anything to the container — inside or out — or alter it in any way. Any damage must be put right or paid for.

If you’d like to find out more about what is and isn’t OK, please just ask us at The Space Program.