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How isolated will I be when I’m at The Space Program?

Andre Sejournant
  • Andre Sejournant
  • 8th April 2020
  • Self Store Storage Containers Storage for Business

Our self-storage centres are ideally suited to deal with the current restrictions that have been put in place by the government.

All our storage units are situated outside. This means that you will not be touching door handles and lift buttons that other people have touched. You will not be moving down narrow corridors where you can’t pass people in less than 6 feet. Also, you will be the only person coming into contact with your storage unit.

All our storage containers are 8 feet wide, making it easy to maintain social distancing even if your neighbour is in their container.

You can access your storage unit at any time of the day or night using your own unique gate code. This means you can plan your essential visit at our quietest times for your peace of mind

For new customers, we have a touchless sign-up system.  This means you can take a storage unit on hire without coming into contact with any of the team if you would like to do so. One of the team will always be around for help or assistance if you should need them either on site or at the end of the phone.

Just get in touch if there is any way we can help keep your business moving forwards at this time. It would be good to hear from you.