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Do you work in the building industry?

Rachel King
  • Rachel King
  • 12th March 2021
  • Renting Storage Space Storage for Business

Are you a builder?

Many building and decorating companies are currently predicting a rise in demand once lockdown is fully lifted.  With many people furloughed or working from home, they are much more aware of projects in the house and garden that they want to complete.  In anticipation of this, businesses have been pre-ordering stock so they are ready to go.

Are you preparing for an increase in work?  Do you have extra stock ordered?  Our self storage containers offer an easy, cost-effective way to store stock.  With only a 2 week minimum hire, this is a flexible way to ensure your supplies are kept safe.

Many builders, plumbers and electricians store their tools and stock in their van.  Sadly, van thefts are fairly commonplace and insurance won’t always cover the loss.  Not to mention, the additional loss of earnings that are caused by this.

Make sure your equipment and stock are safe and secure.  We are always happy to discuss available options.  You can give us a call or fill out the form below.